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2024-05-13 16:27:00 来源:2138cn太阳集团古天乐 点击: 收藏本文

【主题】Correlation Neglect in College Admission: An Experimental Evidence

【主讲人】宋彦  副研究员(山东大学)

【主持人】刘愿  教授



【摘要】This study investigates correlation neglect in matching markets and evaluate whether policies targeting failure of contingent thinking and providing objective admission probabilities can effectively improve students’ outcomes. Using controlled experiments mirroring real-world college admission scenarios, we find that a significant portion of students adopt overly aggressive strategies, neglecting correlation. Reminding students about the correlation of admission probabilities and switching to Iterative Deferred Acceptance does not lower the ratio of students with aggressive strategies. In contrast, providing the admission probabilities to students more than doubled the percentage of subjects choosing the optimal strategy. This study contributes to understanding correlation neglect in matching markets and offers insights into potential interventions to improve decision-making in school choice mechanisms.

【主讲人简介】宋彦,山东大学经济学院,副研究员,2016年毕业于加拿大McGill University,经济学博士。主要研究领域为劳动经济学,成果见诸于Journal of Economic and Behavior Organization, Economics of Education Review, Health Economics等期刊。
